Human-computer interaction in sales

Human-computer interaction in sales
Simply put, what am I to do with an AI software that doesn’t help me achieve my goals? nothing.
The year is 1919, and plant owners are trying to figure out whether accidents are random, or are they a reducible phenomenon. After acknowledging that accidents aren’t random- the time has come to address the accident prone aspects of the plant. Until the 1950’s- research had indicated that accidents are “individual based”. That is to say that people are the main cause for errors in the plant. That point of view led to a series of studies aimed to explain the term “accident proneness”.
The term “accident proneness” is addressing the way in which certain individuals are more likely than others to sustain accidents, even though exposed to equal risk. Assuming that accidents and failures occur because of people- it became clear to many industries that accident-prevention should concentrate on ergonomic solutions. These solutions aimed to reduce the overall risk in certain situations.
Time had passed, and by the 1980’s reality had pointed out ergonomics’s glass-ceiling in relation to accident-prevention. Since then it is commonly known that accidents, just like success, originate in both human and machine factors. Remember it takes a car and a driver to crash. The term human-computer interaction (HCI) was popularized in 1983’s book, “The Psychology of Human–Computer Interaction”. The term is intended to convey that unlike other tools with specific limitations, computers have many uses which often involve an open-ended interaction between the user and the computer.
The year is 2022, and AI solutions just keep on coming. Each day dozens of AI driven software are being developed and launched to widespread use. Many AI software are made for certain people to use. For example, sales tech is made for… you guessed it- sales teams. However, using AI software doesn’t secure progress. AI’s true value derives from what the user can produce using the software. It is of most importance that you’ll know how to interact with your “machine” in a way that’s beneficial to your vocation. For example- conversational intelligence platforms may present useful information, but it’s up to the end-users to insightfully use that information to support their goals. The human–computer interaction becomes increasingly effective when both human and software understand each other. That is AI true power/value- enhancing your performance in the preferable way.
The advantages of computers over humans
Obviously computers act mathematically and logically, whereas humans cannot work without having emotions in their way.
Computers can be upgraded, both software and hardware wise, to better fit the needs of their users.
The advantages of humans over computers
We’ve all heard about the “Turing test” - a test given to computers in order to examine their ability to imitate intelligent human behavior.
Humans overcome computers in their ability to consider a more integrative view of the world.
Computers may have defeated professional chess players, but humans are still holding the upper hand as computers aren’t fully equipped to “replace” us.
This given situation leads to the understanding that an optimal human-computer interaction may be key to overcome challenges neither of the players can handle by themselves. Supporting sales enablement requires both precision and integrative view of reality throughout your organization. Assisting humans with logical processes along with assisting computers to handle our vocation correctly is the best way to go!